Please contact HRCBA if you are a donor and would like your name removed from list and make it an anonymous donation.
The Honey Run Covered Bridge has been very fortunate to have the following individuals and businesses provide their continued support through monetary donations:
Amy Alvarez
Argonaut Constructors
Chico State Construction Management Foundation
Dan Gonzales
Golden Beaver Distillery
Matthew and Wendy Smith
North Valley Community Foundation, Butte Strong Fund
Paradise Recreation & Park District
Paradise Rotary Foundation
Sukut Construction
The Foor Foundation
Tom & Sue Dauterman
Walt Schafer & Teresa Kludt
GOLD ($1,000 TO $4,999)
Albert McGreehan
Alfred Spruell
Amain com. Inc.
April Sonnenberg
Arizona Tile
Beatrice Olsen
Ben & DJ Meyers
Bob & Cindy Bell
Butte Creek Foundation
Butte Valley Auctions
Chico Enterprise News Review
Chico Rotary Club
CHRA Schoolhouse
Clean Rite Build Rite
Clyde Powers
CTL Forest Management
David Blau
David Schlichting
Donald & Mary Davidson
Doug La Malfa
DSL Farms
Enterprise Holdings
Gordon Wolfe
Grace & Thomas Doty
Helix Electric
Hotel Diamond / Diamond Steakhouse
Jennifer Wallace and Robert Fulton
John Bidwell Parlor #21
Jordan Thigpen
Joseph Cahiapella MD
Judy Stolen & P Willey
Julianne Gravem
Leah Christie
Lisa Cheverier
Louis Hallman
Matsom & Isom Technology Consulting
McClelland Air
Members 1st Credit Union
Michael Blair
Michael Connolly
Michael McGinnis
M&K Farms
Network for Good
Nick & Lindsay Steinberg
Newton-Bracewell Chico Four H
Northstar Engineering
Pacific Coast Charities
Renee McAmis
Ric and Colene Newton
Robert Bell
Sadikiel and Young Kimaro
Seeling Construction
Sierra View Chevrolet Club
The Roaming Runway
Tri Counties Bank
Victor and Kay Simenc
Western Wood Structures
PLATINUM ($5,000 to $9,999)
California State Sheriff's Association
CTL Forest Management, Inc.
David and Melanne Schlichting
Diane Flaherty
Durham Rotary Foundation
Kathy Garlick
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co
Makena Endeavors, Dutch Bros.
Marques Engineering
RCI Engineering
Susan Patricio
SILVER ($500 TO $999)
Arizona Tile, LLC
Brian & Pam Gray
Charles & Merrilee Johnson
Charles and Denise Worth
Chico Triathlon Club
Chris Bowman
Christina Nichols
Dan Andreason
Dorothy Whitlock
Edward and Judith Salome
Fleet Feet of Chico
Foothill Fire Protection
Fred Stone
Geoffrey and Shirley Farrar
Geoffrey and Sandra Machida Fricker
Grace & Thomas Doty
Hill's Nor Cal Window and Door
Isaac Duchon
Jay Martinez
Jeff Dufour
Jennifer Cockburn
Jim Scharff
Jobe Gedatus
Joe & Gigi Acquistapace
John Kermen
Josh Markle
Kathy Garlick
Kevin and Bea Olsen
Knife River Construction
Laverne Cage
Linda Peters
Lynn McNeely
Mavis Hoffman
Maxwell and Lindsay Katt
Merritt and Noretta Monroe
Michael O'Neill
Millar Farms Partnership
Northern California National Bank
Oswald and Emmi Auer
Paul Price
Paul and Heidi Guy
Putnam Mulholland
Q&D Construction
Rainforest Art Project
Richard and Mary McConell
Robert Munjar
Russell Burnham
Safestore, Inc.
Sarah Dahl
Scott Hanosh
Steve Ferreira
Tammie Cook
Tess Slaton
Thomas Richmond
Tom Blixt
Tyler Rowland
Wesley and Drucella Brinkley